Changing the values of inputs from the server

These inputs control the other inputs on the page


This is the first panel.

This is the second panel.

show with app
function(input, output, clientData, session) {

    # We'll use these multiple times, so use short var names for
    # convenience.
    c_label <- input$control_label
    c_num <- input$control_num

    # Text =====================================================
    # Change both the label and the text
    updateTextInput(session, "inText",
      label = paste("New", c_label),
      value = paste("New text", c_num)

    # Number ===================================================
    # Change the value
    updateNumericInput(session, "inNumber", value = c_num)

    # Change the label, value, min, and max
    updateNumericInput(session, "inNumber2",
      label = paste("Number ", c_label),
      value = c_num, min = c_num-10, max = c_num+10, step = 5)

    # Slider input =============================================
    # Only label and value can be set for slider
    updateSliderInput(session, "inSlider",
      label = paste("Slider", c_label),
      value = c_num)

    # Slider range input =======================================
    # For sliders that pick out a range, pass in a vector of 2
    # values.
    updateSliderInput(session, "inSlider2",
      value = c(c_num-1, c_num+1))

    # An NA means to not change that value (the low or high one)
    updateSliderInput(session, "inSlider3",
      value = c(NA, c_num+2))

    # Date input ===============================================
    # Only label and value can be set for date input
    updateDateInput(session, "inDate",
      label = paste("Date", c_label),
      value = paste("2013-04-", c_num, sep=""))

    # Date range input =========================================
    # Only label and value can be set for date range input
    updateDateRangeInput(session, "inDateRange",
      label = paste("Date range", c_label),
      start = paste("2013-01-", c_num, sep=""),
      end = paste("2013-12-", c_num, sep=""),
      min = paste("2001-01-", c_num, sep=""),
      max = paste("2030-12-", c_num, sep="")

    # # Checkbox ===============================================
    updateCheckboxInput(session, "inCheckbox",value = c_num %% 2)

    # Checkbox group ===========================================
    # Create a list of new options, where the name of the items
    # is something like 'option label x A', and the values are
    # 'option-x-A'.
    cb_options <- list()
    cb_options[[paste("option label", c_num, "A")]] <-
      paste0("option-", c_num, "-A")
    cb_options[[paste("option label", c_num, "B")]] <-
      paste0("option-", c_num, "-B")

    # Set the label, choices, and selected item
    updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, "inCheckboxGroup",
      label = paste("checkboxgroup", c_label),
      choices = cb_options,
      selected = paste0("option-", c_num, "-A")

    # Radio group ==============================================
    # Create a list of new options, where the name of the items
    # is something like 'option label x A', and the values are
    # 'option-x-A'.
    r_options <- list()
    r_options[[paste("option label", c_num, "A")]] <-
      paste0("option-", c_num, "-A")
    r_options[[paste("option label", c_num, "B")]] <-
      paste0("option-", c_num, "-B")

    # Set the label, choices, and selected item
    updateRadioButtons(session, "inRadio",
      label = paste("Radio", c_label),
      choices = r_options,
      selected = paste0("option-", c_num, "-A")

    # Select input =============================================
    # Create a list of new options, where the name of the items
    # is something like 'option label x A', and the values are
    # 'option-x-A'.
    s_options <- list()
    s_options[[paste("option label", c_num, "A")]] <-
      paste0("option-", c_num, "-A")
    s_options[[paste("option label", c_num, "B")]] <-
      paste0("option-", c_num, "-B")

    # Change values for input$inSelect
    updateSelectInput(session, "inSelect",
      choices = s_options,
      selected = paste0("option-", c_num, "-A")

    # Can also set the label and select an item (or more than
    # one if it's a multi-select)
    updateSelectInput(session, "inSelect2",
      label = paste("Select label", c_label),
      choices = s_options,
      selected = paste0("option-", c_num, "-B")

    # Tabset input =============================================
    # Change the selected tab.
    # The tabsetPanel must have been created with an 'id' argument
    if (c_num %% 2) {
      updateTabsetPanel(session, "inTabset", selected = "panel2")
    } else {
      updateTabsetPanel(session, "inTabset", selected = "panel1")
  titlePanel("Changing the values of inputs from the server"),
    column(3, wellPanel(
      h4("These inputs control the other inputs on the page"),
                "This controls some of the labels:",
                "LABEL TEXT"),
                  "This controls values:",
                  min = 1, max = 20, value = 15)

    column(3, wellPanel(
      textInput("inText",  "Text input:", value = "start text"),

      numericInput("inNumber", "Number input:",
                   min = 1, max = 20, value = 5, step = 0.5),
      numericInput("inNumber2", "Number input 2:",
                   min = 1, max = 20, value = 5, step = 0.5),

      sliderInput("inSlider", "Slider input:",
                  min = 1, max = 20, value = 15),
      sliderInput("inSlider2", "Slider input 2:",
                  min = 1, max = 20, value = c(5, 15)),
      sliderInput("inSlider3", "Slider input 3:",
                  min = 1, max = 20, value = c(5, 15)),

      dateInput("inDate", "Date input:"),

      dateRangeInput("inDateRange", "Date range input:")

        checkboxInput("inCheckbox", "Checkbox input",
                      value = FALSE),

                           "Checkbox group input:",
                           c("label 1" = "option1",
                             "label 2" = "option2")),

        radioButtons("inRadio", "Radio buttons:",
                     c("label 1" = "option1",
                       "label 2" = "option2")),

        selectInput("inSelect", "Select input:",
                    c("label 1" = "option1",
                      "label 2" = "option2")),
        selectInput("inSelect2", "Select input 2:",
                    multiple = TRUE,
                    c("label 1" = "option1",
                      "label 2" = "option2"))

      tabsetPanel(id = "inTabset",
        tabPanel("panel1", h2("This is the first panel.")),
        tabPanel("panel2", h2("This is the second panel."))