Absolutely-positioned panels

This is an absolutePanel that uses bottom and right attributes.

It also has draggable = TRUE, so you can drag it to move it around the page.

The slight transparency is due to style = 'opacity: 0.92'.

You can put anything in absolutePanel, including inputs and outputs:

This absolutePanel is docked to the top of the screen using top, left, and right attributes.

Because fixed=TRUE, it won't scroll with the page.

show with app
function(input, output, session) {
  output$plot <- renderPlot({
    mtscaled <- as.matrix(scale(mtcars))
      col = topo.colors(200, alpha=0.5),
      Colv=F, scale="none")

  output$plot2 <- renderPlot({
    plot(head(cars, input$n), main="Foo")
  }, bg = "#F5F5F5")

fluidPage(style="padding-top: 80px;",
  h1("Absolutely-positioned panels"),
    bottom = 20, right = 20, width = 300,
    draggable = TRUE,
      HTML(markdownToHTML(fragment.only=TRUE, text=c(
"This is an absolutePanel that uses `bottom` and `right` attributes.

It also has `draggable = TRUE`, so you can drag it to move it around the page.

The slight transparency is due to `style = 'opacity: 0.92'`.

You can put anything in absolutePanel, including inputs and outputs:"
      sliderInput("n", "", min=3, max=20, value=5),
      plotOutput("plot2", height="200px")
    style = "opacity: 0.92"
    top = 0, left = 0, right = 0,
    fixed = TRUE,
      style="padding: 8px; border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC; background: #FFFFEE;",
      HTML(markdownToHTML(fragment.only=TRUE, text=c(
"This absolutePanel is docked to the top of the screen
using `top`, `left`, and `right` attributes.

Because `fixed=TRUE`, it won't scroll with the page."
  plotOutput("plot", height = "800px")